Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A couple youth group memories that came to mind!

1. I was the woman advisor for a trip to Colorado with 4 boys and 4 girls. There was also a man advisor that went with us. One of the evenings, we stopped at a steak place to eat, it was one of those that you go through a line and then pay before you go to your table. The kids went first, when we went to pay, the cashier smiled real big and said "You two are awesome". We looked at each other confused and then she continued "It is so awesome that you adopted 8 teen-agers, not many people would adopt just one." Yep, you guessed it, one of the boys told her that we had just adopted all of them and this was our first family outing.

2. Diane Time. I have never been a patient person, but the kids in the youth group let me know that I had developed my own time zone...let me explain...I would tell them they had 10 minutes to clean up or get in the van or something on those lines...and then a minute or two later I would say "Lets go". So the question soon began when a time limit was provided "Real time or Diane time?"

3. Same Colorado trip as in number 1 above: We are on our way home and we have a flat tire on the u-haul trailer we are pulling behind the church van. We have to wait for what seemed forever for u-haul to send someone to help us. The girls had to go to the bathroom so bad, but the boys were allowed to get out of the van and use mother nature's background! The girls were not happy that they could not do the same thing!

4. I helped start the Wednesday night program at our church for the youth group. In order to try and get more kids to participate, I asked some of the kids who regularly attended to make a video. I still have the video and from time to time get it out and watch it...they were very creative!