Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I know some of you are wondering why I am posting about New Year's Resolutions when we are ending the month of March. But I made one this year and since I wasn't sure if I would do it or not, I hadn't posted it prior to today. My Resolution was to have atleast one goal for each month or 3 per quarter and to meet them.

I have met my 1st quarter goals and will list them in this post. I will then post the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter and will update them as I meet them!! For those of you who are reading this and know me well..know that I make lists of to do items and love to cross them off as I complete them (my daughter rolls her eyes when I add an item not on the list after I complete it so I can cross it off as completed...)

Time Management is very important to me and I am very good at it. However, lately with work, going for my degree, volunteering and fitting in family and friends, I didn't really feel I was accomplishing any goals, so I set some for me for 2008.

1st quarter goals which have been met prior to the end of the quarter!

January-Clean off kitchen countertops. For years, my kitchen counter tops have been a dropping place to store things due to the small kitchen I have in my townhouse. But in January, I reorganized and clean the cupboards and cleared the counters of all extras. A picture of what they look like now is attached!

February--I have a spare room that had become the dropping place for things. So in February I got rid of everything that did not need to be in the room. I also painted a small table I have had in the room which was a goal for over a year!

March--Go through magazines I have accumulated and pull out articles, recipes, etc...that I want to keep and recycle the rest of the magazine. Completed this today!